Its over.
Today is my last day in Fiji and this is such a weird feeling. I can't believe that I've been here 10 weeks and that today I'm going back home to America. Fiji has been my home away from home this summer and it feels so weird saying goodbye to it for probably forever. How sad is that?! I realize I will probably never have the opportunity to come back here and so my goodbyes to the people here are for good - it breaks my heart!
Sunday was very touching when the closing song was "God Be With You Till We Meet Again". I could barely sing the song because I got so choked up. That is the worst song you can sing to someone that you'll never see again. "Till we meet, at Jesus' feet" has a whole new meaning to me now.
Yesterday was a very culturally filled day and a great one to end it on. Alex and I went with PRISM (Medical outreach) out to a village called Naseyani. We showed up and entered the village hall and were shocked by how many people were sitting there waiting to get free medical help - around 60-70 people. We scrambled to get things set up and started. I helped Sister Prakash register and screen the children - so many of them had scabies - that is a major problem here because things don't dry out and families use the same towel when bathing.
We had lunch at the Turaga Ni Koro’s (the village chief) house and we had a beautiful spread of rice, roro, kasava, curry and…. Fish. They brought out my fish HEAD on a plate – I think my eyes got a little bigger when I was presented it. Haha. But I dug in and ate the meat – it was actually very tasty – fishy yes, but tasty! I was impressed by myself – my first Fish head in Fiji – it was only fitting for my last meal in a village. I'm going to miss the PRISM Team - they are incredible nurses and doctors doing such a great thing.

Alex and I with the PRISM Team

Alex and I working with the Nurses.
Later that night, after dinner, Alex, Taylor, Carlee, Rohit, Ian and I went with Maya (our landlady and Indian cook) to Hindu Temple. We went and sat for 2 ½ hours listening to sermons we didn’t understand because they were all in Hindi. It was still a cool experience to be a part of and I was able to get the best of both cultures today! Awesome – Wananavu!
During the Temple, I was just thinking about my time here in Fiji because I certainly couldn’t pay attention to the sermon because nothing made sense. I started to cry because it finally hit me that I’m going home. I can’t believe it. This trip has been incredible. I have learned so much about myself and about the cultures present here in Fiji. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the other volunteers and the people I’ve been able to work with in other NGO’s and organizations. This was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and I’m so grateful to those that helped me get here.
Thank you Fiji for all you've taught me.
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