Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Forget about yourself, and get to work!"

I made it through my first week here - and, I'm not going to lie, it was HARD. I struggled so much with getting used to the fact that I'm living in poverty for 2 1/2 months. We had 4 girls from the house leave shortly after I got here, which made me want to go home with them, I struggled to accept the fact that I'm eating carbs for almost every, single meal, The house wakes up at 7am every morning, I hate the public transportation here with all the different buses, carriers, taxis, mini buses to figure out, and the weather is insanely hot. All the while remembering back to America and how blessed we are to live there and missing it even more. I also felt like I was useless with the Projects that HELP has or is partnering up with other NGO's here. To sum it all up, I felt lost and unmotivated. And I hated it.

I emailed my mom about this and her response changed my attitude. She reminded me of the phrase President Hinckley's father told him when he was on his mission - "Forget yourself, and go to work!". This has since become my catch phrase and I tell this to myself every morning as I head off the a project.

Forget yourself Lauren, and go to work helping the Fijian people. That is why you are here.

My outlook has changed 360 degrees. I'm loving it here. I find joy in the beautiful scenery as I take the rickety bus home everyday. I just accept the fact that the food lacks protein and that staying clean and cool is not an option. I've also gotten involved in a program here that involves helping with a town Carnival. This is right up my alley and I finally feel direction.

So, heres to forgetting myself and getting to work!


  1. This IS your mision Lauren. Think about it, it has so many similarities. You also have a whole network of people back home who want you to succeed and enjoy your experiences. I love reading your blog. I'm sure the slow internet is annoying, but we all appreciate every drop!! Keep sweating...aka keep working hard. You are amazing!!!!

  2. I'm glad I read this because I've been meaning to tell you that Carnivals are indeed right up your alley, you probably should use that experience of helping out with a carnival on your resume because you'll probably be a Carnie the rest of your life. Glad you finally accepted that! Also I had an epiphany whilst reading your blog about a friend I need to introduce you to when you are back. . .
