Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mt. Victoria

HELP International representing on the highest point of Fiji - Mt. Victoria.

A big portion of the hike was straight up - it was SO hard on our legs and knees. We all woke up SO sore the next day.

The view was incredible even though it was a super overcast, rainy day. We reached the top of the mountain and ate lunch and then quickly left because it started raining on us.

We started down the mountain in the rain slipping, tripping and falling down the path we took up the mountain. All we could do was laugh about the situation because we were soaked head to toe in rain and mud and our bodies were exhausted.

Even though it was exhausting and long (4 hours round trip) and I'd probably never do it again if given the chance... I'm proud of myself for doing it. I can do hard things!

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